Holi is a spring festival, celebrated by hindus, sikhs and others. It last sometimes up to sixteen days, also named Dhuli Vandana in Sanskrit. People celebrate it by throwing colourpowder and coloured water at eachother. It is an joyful festival, it starts around early March. The people belive that the colours represents energy, life and joy!
I was hooked on those amazing photos. The photographer are talented and the people so gorgeous in all colours! You almost feel the spirit so close, like if you where there! Joy! For some days there are no seriousness, no differens between old, young, rich or poor.. would it be so bad having more festivals in the world than all the hate among us? Where there is colours there is love!
Women tear off the clothes of men as they play huranga in Dauji temple near the northern Indian town of Mathura March 12, 2009. Huranga is a game played between men and women a day after the Holi festival during which men drench women with liquid colors and women tear off the clothes of the men. (REUTERS/K.K. Arora) #
After I´ve seen this photo.. I´ll maybe consider my thought of hating spiders.. hmm in spite of everything else they are actually great artists! Maybe I should send them an invite to WedgeHitch Facebook group? :) If you´re curious now.. WedgeHitch
This picture is sweet! Refreshing! ..is it just me that have this nostalgia around old-fashioned bottles, to drink cold milk or a soda from a glassbottle like older days wouldn´t be that wrong.. I think it tastes better.. How do you think it tastes drinking wine from a plastic/paperglass..? Think about it! :(
Colour up your life! The bubbles are just usual soda! You put your own limits! What do you think will look beautiful?
Apartment therapy ..saving the world, one room at a time!
Home sweet colours! Where there is colours there is love! Nothing better than home!
"I´m a little naive but I don´t like the idea of showing things that you don´t sell in store" Said Van Noten in a interview. The brand doesn´t have haute couture, all designs are Ready To Wear.
I love haute couture.. but I´m not complainin.. the collection is F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S!I like how DVN designs in a way that brings so many influences from many parts of the world. I see ethnical colors, styles but he also brings a touch of the modern woman. Together it is so edgy, beautiful, sophisticated, fabulous, elegant..! I can go on and on praiseing those pieces that I choosed among others from Spring RTW 2010. I want every peace!
...now I´ll talk about the jewellerys.. look at them NOW! There! The Look and the jewellerys said it all! Fierce!
So much colours, so much prints but the looks are sooo harmonical to eachother anyway! Well done Dries Van Noten! Keep on the good artistical spirit of yours while I find out how, where, why.. you get your ideas!? Are they sellable in a jar or something?
M. m. M... That wasn´t any name of a brand or something, it´s still DVN.. the first letters was a sound that often humanbeings do when they really are diggin´something.. and a SNAP at the same time with my fingers for this collection.. M. (Snap.) m. (Snap.) M. (Znaaapp)!!!
Maybe I should have soundeffects next time..? ;)